Here are some of my recent talks:
- ANZAMP (2024), Katoomba, Partial-rogue wave solutions to the Sasa-Satsuma equation and generalised Okamoto polynomials.
slides - ISRMT seminar (2023), Michigan, A Riemann-Hilbert approach to q-difference Painlevé VI.
slides, video - ICIAM 13 (2023), Tokyo, On q-Painlevé VI and the Geometry of Segre surfaces.
slides - Island 6, DSIS (2023), Isle of Skye, Singularities of Painlevé functions, Heun
equations and generalised Hermite polynomials.
slides - SIDE 14.2 (2023), Warsaw, On q-Painlevé VI and the Geometry of Segre surfaces.
slides - ARA 2 seminar (2022), The Newton Institute, Cambridge, On some linear and non-linear inverse problems related to Painlevé functions.
slides - OPSFA 16 (2022), Montreal, On q-Painlevé VI, singular Segre surfaces and associated orthogonal polynomials.
slides - BAXTER (2020), Canberra, Wronskians of Hermite polynomials, anharmonic oscillators and Painlevé IV.
slides - Irregular Singularities and QFT seminar (2019), Lisbon, On the Asymptotic Distribution of Roots of the Generalised Hermite Polynomials.
slides, video
Dessin d'enfants associated with zeros of Okamoto polynomials