Homepage of Pieter Roffelsen

I am a research associate at the university of Sydney, in the Integrable Systems group at the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Before that, I was a postdoc at SISSA, Trieste, in the Geometry and Mathematical Physics group.

I am interested in analytic and geometric aspects of differential and difference equations in the complex domain, in particular monodromy manifolds, Riemann-Hilbert theory, quantisation problems, Painlevé equations and special functions.

This semester, I am organising a joint seminar series between UNSW and USYD on elliptic difference equations together with Andrew Kels. Please reach out if you are interested in participating.

Coming December, at the joint meeting of the NZMS, AustMS and AMS, I am organising a special session on integrable systems together with Andrei Prokhorov.